Monday, 12 November 2012

'Traitors' tear society apart | Kuwait Times

?Traitor? is a word used by some people these days to describe those who have opinions different from theirs on national issues, not knowing the seriousness of this term. The use of words like treason to describe the action of citizens who went out to in participate in protest marches against the decree that alters the voting mechanism has not only reached unacceptable levels, but has also started elicit counter effects. Motivated by sectarian and individual interests, these words which imply disrespect towards those who have different opinions, tear the society apart and send out a signal that one party is patriotic while others are traitors.

We are sick of hearing the same allegations, repeated ad nauseam, that the protest gatherings are being supported by Gulf states or that these are being organized as part of a Muslim Brotherhood plot to take over power or even being part of a large international plot which spawned the Arab Spring revolutions.

I wonder whether those who claim to be patriotic and accuse others of treason have seen anyone raise any other but Kuwait?s flag during the demonstrations. Have they heard someone chant statements that imply loyalty to foreign parties? Did anyone call for the ruling system to be overthrown? If not, then on what basis do they accuse the demonstrators of treason? I cannot find any other way to describe those who accuse the opposition of treason except to say that they themselves are traitors who are actually working on behalf of others, or simply people who only repeat like a parrot what their masters tell them to say.

They realize that the opposition stands between them and their illegally gotten profits. I never doubted for a moment that the people who went out in marches were motivated by their loyalty to their country and concern about its interests and future.

The proof lies in their commitment to keep their gatherings peaceful as evident from the pictures and footage taken there, including a picture showing a demonstrator volunteering to help an officer who suffered an eye injury due to use of teargas. Many countries wish they had young people with such love and loyalty to their country as Kuwait has. Just watch what happens during demonstrations in other countries to realize how pure the hearts of Kuwait?s youth are.

Every time Kuwaiti young men and women stage a march, they are met with teargas, smoke bombs, batons and arrests by special task forces. I believe that the security option is never a solution to the problem or the crisis, and it is important to look for a way by which the agitation can be resolved with minimal loss. Gatherings might continue, and could feature other forms of protests if marches prove unsuccessful as long as they remain within the framework of peaceful protests. ? Al-Rai

By Abdul-Aziz Al-Fadhli

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